You know those girls who just seem like they just have their life together? They manage to do a million and one things all at once and they´re not just doing it, but they´re doing it well. While in Lyon, France I made friends with one of those kind of girls- Her name is Zahra Louise-Julie and not only does she run fashion blogs Breakfast with The Beatles and Garde Robe, she is also a singer, a student and even an English tutor (Yup, she´s bilingual!!) This girl has got so many talents it gave me that jittery girl power excitement inside that just wanted to scream out "YASSSS GIRL!!"
But instead of just screaming, we teamed up and did a cool Nebula collab shoot with her equally awesome boyfriend Sidney Lafrontiere, and I got a chance to interview Zahra as well. Between this power couple they are dynamite!! You can also see her feature of me on her blog here.
"I started Breakfast with the Beatles about 4 years ago. When I was in my senior year, my particularly horrible Philosophy teacher told me that I should never blog because I wasn’t the best student in her class. (Where was her logic???) So I did start blogging just because I tend to do things that people tell me I can’t do. Breakfast with the Beatles first started out as a Lifestyle/Humor blog that really had nothing to do with the Beatles. I would write posts like, “You know you’ve graduated when…” or more serious posts about things I was going through during that time of my life."
"In January 2015, I decided to turn Breakfast with the Beatles into a fashion blog. I actually don’t know how this happened, but I was really inspired by a friend of mine who’s an incredible fashion blogger, Style by Kieren. I started off by taking pictures of my outfits with my phone and then gradually improved once I got a professional Nikon."
"I’ve always loved fashion but was really bad at it (I had to delete my Myspace so that nobody would discover the atrocities I wore in 2008). A lot of people have inspired me throughout the years: my mother, for example, designs and makes her own clothes, bags and even hats! My grandmother is also a seamstress and I’m lucky to have a lot of good friends in the fashion industry. During the past year, I got to know myself better as an adult, as a woman, so I discovered my personal style. I tend to wear anything and everything: minimal, feminine, tom-boy, colorful, ethnic, you name it, I’ve got it in my closet! I think that’s because I’ve been so inspired by the places I’ve lived in and all the different cultures I’ve come to know through the people I’ve met. Every week I write a blog post called What I Wore This Week which basically is me showing off something that I wore during the week, the occasion and how I styled it. ""You’re probably wondering why I called my blog “Breakfast with the Beatles”. Well, as is everything in my life, it was completely random (even though there’s a radio show called ‘Breakfast with the Beatles’ somewhere in Britain). I love breakfast. I could eat breakfast for lunch, brunch, dinner and snack. And I also love the Beatles and I’ve loved them for as long as I can remember. My favorite Beatles song is “And I love her”, a beautiful ballad primarily sung by Paul McCartney. Even though the words are simple and nostalgic, Paul is basically declaring his love for Linda who later dies of cancer, so it’s just so sad and romantic, it’s beautiful."
"Do you know how I came up with the idea for Garde Robe? The first day I spoke to Sidney (I had already seen him before), I thought to myself, “What a dapper young man. I want to take pictures of fashionable men for my blog.” So I gathered the courage to ask him if I could take his picture. Later that week, we met up to talk about that same picture but we ended up on a date. Once that date happened, I needed an excuse as to why I didn’t take his picture so I came up with a project called “Garde Robe”. This new project consisted of taking street style pictures all around Lyon. Initially, we wanted to take mostly black people’s pictures because we feel that we aren’t represented enough when it comes to street style. Whenever I look for street style inspiration on Pinterest, I mostly come across Caucasians so I never really know what an outfit would look like on darker skin. Soon we began taking pictures of people from all sorts of backgrounds because we realized that it is more important to represent multicultural fashion styles rather than promoting only one."
"Sidney and I work incredibly well together because, well, we’re together. We’re not only partners, we’re best friends and we’re in love, which is an awesome combo if you ask me! Sidney and I have similar tastes when it comes to fashion so picking out people on the street is easy. We’ll either take the person’s picture on the spot or schedule a photoshoot for later. Sometimes Sidney takes the pictures, sometimes I do, but it’s usually a 50/50 job. Once we take the pictures, we ask a few questions about the person’s outfit and fashion tastes. So the whole idea of Garde Robe is to share peoples’ street styles with the world and get a glimpse of what it’s like inside their wardrobe."
"We plan on launching Garde Robe’s website in about a month because it’s currently a bi-weekly rubric on Breakfast with the Beatles. We want Garde Robe to have its own name and inspire people globally so we’re getting there one step at a time! In the meantime, you can like our page on Facebook: and keep up with the latest street styles we feature!"
Be sure to check her out on all the social media networks to keep up with her next move!
BLOG: Breakfast With The Beatles
INSTAGRAM: @ZahralouiseJulie
TWITTER: @Zahraljmusic
FACEBOOK: Garde Robe
Models: Zahra Louise Julie & Sidney Lafrontiere